Wednesday, January 25, 2012

4 a.m.

As expected...the 4 am wake-up is affecting me.  Here I sit at 4:45 typing away about it being too early for me to be typing away.

I suppose during this shift, I may get a lot of morning reading, laundry, and blogging done.

And, at least it works with our kids' schedule...early bedtime...and they don't have to get up any earlier than normal.

For Mama...I guess I'll get used to it.

I don't really have a choice.  But something tells me I will be looking much like this around 4 p.m.:

I so wish I was a harder sleeper...but I am, unfortunately, one of those who wakes at the slightest creak that doesn't belong.  If he was getting up and getting out within 5 minutes, I could probably get back to sleep...maybe I can convince him to join a 24 hour gym and take his early-rising elsewhere.

Just a thought.

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