Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Cops in the Snow

Here in the Northwest we are being absolutely dumped on!   It's not normal for us.  We tend to be a temperate climate.  Because of this, our small towns and cities do not have the infrastructure to handle snowstorms like the one we are seeing this week.  Sure we have a few snowplows...but that's it:  a few.  This means only the most used roads in town get plowed, and the busiest parts of the highway.  The side roads remain icy and snow-covered.

Lucky for us, we have 4WD.  Living in the woods on a dirt road in the county = disaster and isolation for anyone who doesn't have a proper vehicle.

In fact, because we expected this storm, the man decided to take his patrol car out and down the highway to park it where the weather promised to be a bit better.  This short 30 minute commute was a real eye-opener for me.

It started just a few hundred feet from our driveway, where our road curves and inclines.  I followed in my own vehicle so I could bring him back after dropping the car.  With only a slight dusting of snow over a bit of icy packed snow, his patrol car spun and swerved.  I backed up several times to give him clearance in case he slid back down.  He's an excellent driver, so I really was quite nervous about getting up the hill myself.  A few neighbors came out to watch the show (and presumably help push his car up the hill if necessary).  Eventually, though, he made it.  I followed up the hill with no trouble at all.  Yikes.

That's when I got a little agitated.  Really?  The cop car can't make it up the hill?  Aren't they supposed to be helping the rest of us out of ditches and diverting us around collisions and pile-ups?

The following 25 minutes I led the way (really the first time seeing lights in my rear-view mirror didn't make me nervous).  And though I had little trouble (drove slow and avoided drivers who obviously had no clue how to handle snowy roads - which is common here), he definitely had trouble with the hills since people were driving so slowly...giving him no ability to gain speed or traction.

Anyhow, we made it just fine and the roads were better on the way home (of course).  And the following day was clear.

Then, this morning...we woke up to snowmageddon - a good 4 inches and it was coming down heavily.  Now his regular vehicle is 4WD.  So I really wasn't too worried about the beginning of his commute.  He left early so as to leave time to get chains on his crappy patrol car tires.  The second leg of his commute is a twisty, windy road off the main highway.  About 15 miles that feels like 30 on a good day.

He called when he made it to his car.  And hour and a half later, I texted him with concern.  Really?  An hour and a half to make 15 miles?

Needless to say, he did make it to work fine.  And now, the greater issue - to stay put or to come home after shift.  Sounds like we have at least another 4-6 inches coming tonight, so even though the drive home might not be bad, tomorrow morning it might be worse than this morning.  It's already predicted that schools will be closed all week.

My big complaint?  Yah, I get it, we don't have much snow out here, but shouldn't law enforcement officers all have 4WD vehicles in rural/wooded areas, regardless of climate?  I realize departments across the U.S. are strapped for cash, but come on!  How can the help the rest of us, if they can even get to us?


And to close, whoever sent us this snow...you can have it back now - it's lost its appeal.

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