Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hangin' with the guys

It's an important part of any job, really...getting to know your colleagues and interacting with them, sometimes socially.  It makes working with them easier.  Yes, complications can arise when you work with your friends...but I genuinely believe that it is better that your co-workers be your friends than your enemies...or simply indifferent co-inhabitants of the same workspace.

In life and death careers, it's even more important that employees be friends (or at least friendly), as these people are the ones who should have your back when the *&$# hits the fan.

So, even though my nose is just a hair out of place, I totally understand why "the man" is out enjoying the company of his new dept. folk.  Of course, it meant that I didn't get to see him all.  It's a small price to pay for fitting in, though.

Police work is a career laden with egos.  Guys (and gals) who have been on the force forever and think they know everything (and they might).  Young hot shots who become too competitive and think they're better than everyone else.  And those who are always nervous about being passed over for a promotion or overlooked as they stand in the shadow of another.

In hierarchical jobs, find your place is important.  Knowing where you stand, who has your back, who doesn't, who you can trust, and who you can't...these things are almost as important as the job itself.

So, yes, kicking back a few beers and taking in some entertainment with the guys is pretty important work.

Even if it means giving up one of the few nights I have with "the man."

Boo.  But, I'll get over it.  On Friday...when I hit happy hour with my co-workers and "the man" gets to pick up the kid and enjoy some quality parent/child time.

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