Saturday, February 11, 2012

I thought I was going to have to shoot someone last night...

It isn't the story you want to hear over your morning coffee.  The one about your husband being called to a potential shooting...having to knock on the door of a house where a man is suspected to have a loaded weapon which he has used to shoot through his wall...alerting neighbors to suspicious behavior.  The story about how he had to pull out his new rifle, call for back-up, and search a disgusting dirty house without running water in the middle of an "average Joe" neighborhood in a small town where things like this don't happen.

It's amazing what goes on in this world when the rest of us aren't watching. 

The funny thing is...he called me...before he got out of his car to knock on this man's door.  He didn't tell me a thing about it.  He just said, "I'm on a call; I can't talk long.  I just wanted to call and say I love you and good night."

After he told me the story this morning...somehow this call has become haunting.  I know why he did it.  It was just in case.

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